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Title: Talent Management in Energy Sector: A Case Study of The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL)
Authors: B. S. P. Narayana
G Raghavaiah
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Gitam Journal of Management
Abstract: The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) is a more than century old organization. It carries out coal mining operations in four districts o f AP, in Godavari valley coal fields. It was established during the British rule with commencement o f production in 1889 and ultimately got vested with Go AP &GOI ,in 1956. Coal mining is a strenuous task. It has much to do with what NATU RE endows, with constantly changing geo-mining conditions and rather endow ed with tough working conditions. Most o f the early period o f coal mining did not have the appropriate technology and the operations remained mostly labor intensive. Accordingly, the man pow er employed in SCCL had touched at one time 100000 employees. Accordingly, the “Profitability” per-force had to be under strain. Since the dawn o f reforms & liberalization era( 1990s), SCCL, like other organizations, had brought in structural changes. The interesting part is, it had been accomplished rather smoothly, through its sterling leadership o f successive C&MDs and management, cooperative trade unions and pragmatically understanding employees. The Year 1997-98, accordingly, became the water shed year for its successful tent round and since then SCCL ever transform ed as an ideal employer. The list o f National awards and honors being annually conferred on it has become a testimony and being nationally honored has become indeed a way o f life for it. The “Growth engine ” for ushering in this tremendous perform once of it can mainly be ascribed to its talent acquisition, talent development & talent retention systems, that can be uniquely brought under the umbrella o f the phrase “Talent management ” The “Human Resources" o f the SCCL, (called as “Singarenians”,coined by a C&M D),right from its top to the field level employee contributed to this wonder. This paper deals with the efforts made by the organization towards the design and administering talent management systems, from the period ushering in o f reforms times ( 1990s) till date. M ore over ,even the CSR activities undertaken cover the total mosaic o f it and at times deservedly going beyond the mandate that testifies to the fa c t that the organization had well consolidated on all fronts.
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