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Title: An assessment of genetic fidelity in Lepidium sativum regenerants using rapd markers
Authors: Suman
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Ecology Environment and Conservation
Abstract: Lepidium sativum commonly known as Chandrasur, family Brassicaceae is a fast-growing edible herb grown in temperate region. Rapid rnicropropagation was achieved using shoot tip, epicotyl and cotyledonary leaves as explants. Multiple shoots were induced on Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium supplemented with NAA (0.5 mg/ L) and BAP (3 mg/L) from shoot tip. Rooting was readily achieved upon transferring the shoots onto half strength MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg / L of NAA and 2% sucrose. • Micropropagated plantlets were hardened in the green house and successfully established in the soil. RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic D A) markers assay were employed to validate the genetic stability of Lepidium sativum plants multiplied through different explants. Out of 100 primers 32 decamer primers amplified genomic DNA from in vitro and in vivo generated plants to assess the genetic stability. All RAPD profile analysis from rnicropropagated plant was genetically similar to mother plants. A total of 414 reproducible and clear bands were produced which were monomorphic across all the rnicropropagated plants. These results indicate that the micropropagation protocol developed by us for rapid in vitro multiplication is appropriate and suitable for production of true to type plants.
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