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dc.contributor.authorRam Srinivas-
dc.description.abstractOrg a niz a tion s ne ed to innovate on acontinuous basis to e ns ur e th at th ey stayah ead of competition . In order to innovat econtinuou sly, th ey adopt a variety of busin essstr ategies and proce sses.Thi s does mean th at organizations shouldeffec tive ly utilize th e collective expertise ofsc ient ists , developers and resea rch ers in orderto inn ova te . But it also means that they s houldutilize the capabilities of a ll concerned withinthe organization to finetune the processes thatenable new products to reach markets quicklyand efficiently. At the e nd of the day it is th epeople within the organizations who i nnovat eand for this th e right encouragement , supportand e nvironment are n needed-
dc.publisherCMR Journal of Innvation and Research-
dc.titleCase Studies-Creating Innovation for Competitive Advantage a Case of Procter and Gamble-
dc.volVol 1-
dc.issuedNo 1-
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