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dc.contributor.authorPreeti Yadav-
dc.description.abstractAs per the central government statistics Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhist and Parses come under the ambit o f minorities in India. Out o f this 20% minority around NYo constitutes the population o f Muslims and they are grossly lagging behind in terms o f education. The educational standard o f minority managed higher educational institutions is not at par and they are lacking both in terms o f quality and quantity as compared to the other counterpart like Christians. Thus it becomes important to develop the quality o f education among minority managed educational institutions.-
dc.publisherGITAM Journal of Management-
dc.titleOrganizational Role Stress Among Muslim Minority Managed Higher Educational Institutions: Early trends-
dc.volVol 15-
dc.issuedNo 4-
Appears in Collections:Articles to be qced

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