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Title: A study on Employees Perception of Quality of Work Life in Commercial Banks
Authors: Ajay Suneja
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: GGGI Bi-Annual Refereed International Journal of Management
Abstract: The concept of quality of work life (QWL) .has been introduced in the early 1970s. With the increase in competition, advancements in technology, emergence of service sector in almost all parts of the world, the QWL has become important for the organisations. The quality of work life provides a number of ways to dilute the stress levels, increase the job satisfaction, minimise absenteeism, and improve the productivity. The present study has been conducted to find out the perception of bank employees regarding various dimensions of quality of work life. The study has also made comparative analysis of the quality of work life of male and female bank employees; and further, compared quality of work life of married and single employees working in commercial banks. A sample of employees working in public sector banks and private sector banks in Haryana has been taken for the study. Stratified Random Sampling was used for the study. The study found that the banks employees are highly satisfied with the 'image of organisation in society' dimension of quality of work life. While, the lowest extent of agreement has been found on the dimension 'work and total life space' followed by the dimension 'work load'. The findings of the study suggested that the employees working in commercial banks are facing problems regarding work and total life space. So, the banking organisations should adopt the strategies to improve the QWL in tenns of Work and Total Life Space by appointing more staff in their banks so that the work burden will be reduced and all the employees get more time for their families and fulfilment of their social obligations.
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