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dc.contributor.authorS. Das-
dc.contributor.authorJ. I. Patel-
dc.description.abstractThe incidence of L. orbonalis to shoots showed two peaks of infestation, first during 4th week of August (35th SMW) (33. 33%) and second during 3rd week of September (38th SMW) (17. 14%) whereas peak fruit infestation observed (28. 26%) during 2nd week of ovember. Significant negative association of sunshine and non-significant negative association of maximum temperature (MaxT) as well as with morning relative humidity (RH1) was observed with shoot infestation but highly significant positive correlation found with minimum temperature (MinT), morning vapour pressure (VP1 ), evening vapour pressure (VP2) and mean vapour pressure (VP2 ). There was highly significant positive association between incidence of L. orbonalis and maximum temperature (MaxT) as well as mean temperature (MT) in fruiting period, whereas, it was significant positive correlation with minimum temperature (MinT) and morning vapour pressure (VP/ BSS, VP2 and MVP showed non-significant positive correlation.-
dc.publisherEcology Environment and Conservation-
dc.titleSeasonal Abundance of Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer, Leucinodes Orbonalis Guen,. in Relation to Weather Parameters-
dc.volVol 20-
dc.issuedNo 1-
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