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Title: Taiwanese Mortgage Rate, Central Bank Discount Rate and Conditional Heteroscedasticity in Post-1997 Asian Financial Crisis
Authors: Chu V. Nguyen
Muhammad Mahboob Ali
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Finance India
Abstract: Asymmetries in the Taiwanese mortgag e loan-central bank discount rates spread (mortgage loan premium) were documented. Empirical results revealed that the mortgage loan premium adjusts to the threshold faster when the central bank discount rate increases relative to the mortgage loan rates than when the discount rate moves in the opposite direction. Additionally, the empirical findings indicate that Taiwanese commercial banks still exhibit predatory rate setting behavior, despite of the recent deregulations in banking sec tor . The empirical results also revealed the bidirectional Granger ca usa lity between the Taiwanese mortgage loan rate and the discoun t rate, indicating that the mortgage loan rate and the discount rate affect each other's movements . These empirical results s uggest that Taiwanese monetary authority can use its countercyclical monetar y policy instrument to ac hi eve its macroeconomics objectives in the short run.
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