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dc.contributor.authorRajesh Kumar-
dc.contributor.authorArti Gaur-
dc.description.abstractHuman communities have a variety .of practices, experience, thought, beliefs, interest, social roles, norms, expressions, forms of organization and conflicts (economic, political, legal, religious, expressive and artistic) that exh.ibit various sorts of internal coherence and cleavages within communities. In India, the main diversity categories are age, gender; religion, place of birth and for Hindus, caste - specifically, whether individuals belong to one of the dominant "Forward Castes (FC) ", one oft he excluded "Scheduled Castes (SC)" or "Scheduled Tribes (ST)", or the large "Other Backward Castes (OBC) "grouping. Workplace diversity refers to the differences that people bring with them to theirjobs on the basis of gende1; age, race, .ethnicity, culture or professional background. Those differences have a direct and/or indirect influence on the work done. Workplace Diversity also refers to the variety of differences beMeen employees in an organization. Diversity encompasses race, gender; age. ethnic group, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education background etc. Diversity not only includes how people perceive themselves, but how they perceive others. The objectives of the study is to study the Impact of diversity will~ regard to age in IT sector in India.-
dc.publisherGGGI Bi-Annual Refereed International Journal of Management-
dc.titleWork Force_ Diversity- Impact of Diversity with Regard to Age in IT Sector in India-
dc.volVol 4-
dc.issuedNo 2-
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