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Title: Creating successful cause-brand alliances- the role of cause involvement, perceived brand motivations and cause-brand alliance attitude
Authors: Beth Myers
Wi Suk Kwon
Keywords: cause brand alliance involvement motivations
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Journal of Brand Management
Abstract: Under increasing pressure from consumers to be socially responsible, more brands than ever are engaging in cause-brand alliances. Two challenges facing brands are how to choose a nonprofit partner for the alliance and the impact of the brand's perceived motivations for engaging in the alliance on consumers' responses to the alliance. Using a theoretical framework based on the congruity theory and the theory of reasoned action, this study examines the influence of consumer cause involvement, perceived brand motivations and cause-brand alliance attitude on consumers' intentions to purchase the product associated with a cause-brand alliance. Hypotheses were tested in the context of mock cause-brand alliance press releases in an online survey administered to 742 US college students. Findings indicate that perceived brand ~ ~--- ~--,-~- -~ ______ . motivations partially mediate the relationship between cause involvement and causeCorrespondence: Beth Myers University of Missouri, 137 Stanley Hall. Columbia. MO 65211.USA E-mail: brand alliance attitude, and that cause-brand alliance attitude positively influences _purchase ~ intentions. Managerial implications are discussed.
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