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Title: Dehydrogenation Reactions and Inspirations From Nature for the Synthesis of Building Blocks Leading to Valued Pharmaceutical Compounds
Authors: Bhansali, Pravin R
Praneeth, Vijayendran K K
Viola, Ronald E
Keywords: Dehydrogenation Reactions
Pharmaceutical Compounds
Numerous Classes
Organic Reactions
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Chemistry of Dehydrogenation Reactions and Its Applications
CRC Press
Citation: pp. 151-172
Abstract: Pharmaceutical compounds are utilized for the diagnosis, treatment, and cure of a wide range of human ailments and are also used as additives utilized in the formulation of medications. Generally, these pharmaceutical compounds are complex organic molecules requiring multistep synthetic protocols for their assembly. Numerous classes of organic reactions have been developed and refined to produce the final target pharmaceutical compounds. The dehydrogenation reaction is one of the more widely utilized reactions to synthesize both the final compounds and the intermediate building blocks that are utilized in the compilation of these drug molecules. In this review, these compiled different types of dehydrogenation reactions serve to make either drug intermediates or target pharmaceutical compounds. Additionally, this chapter discusses nature-inspired and enzyme-catalyzed dehydrogenation reactions including human metabolic reactions. © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Syed Shahabuddin, Rama Gaur and Nandini Mukherjee; individual chapters, the contributors.
ISBN: 9781003851561
Appears in Collections:Book/ Book Chapters

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