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dc.contributor.authorChatterjee, Iswar-
dc.contributor.authorChoudhary, Aparna-
dc.description.abstractCelebrity endorsements can have a significant impact on brand perception. Here are some ways in which celebrity endorsements can affect how consumers perceive a brand: ? Increased brand visibility: When a well-known celebrity endorses a brand, it attracts attention and increases brand visibility. Consumers may become more aware of the brand and its products, leading to increased interest and consideration. ? Positive association: Celebrities often have their own loyal fan base and a positive public image. By associating themselves with a brand, they transfer some of their positive attributes and reputation to the brand. This can create a positive association in the minds of consumers, leading to improved brand perception. ? Credibility and trust: Celebrity endorsements can enhance a brand's credibility and trustworthiness. Consumers may perceive the brand as more reliable and trustworthy when they see a celebrity they admire endorsing it. This can help overcome skepticism and hesitation in trying a new brand. ? Emotional connection: Celebrities have the power to evoke emotions and connect with their fans on a personal level. When a celebrity endorses a brand, it can create an emotional connection with consumers who idolize or relate to that celebrity. This emotional bond can transfer to the brand, leading to a more positive perception. ? Differentiation and uniqueness: In a crowded marketplace, celebrity endorsements can help a brand stand out from competitors. By aligning with a well-known figure, a brand can create a unique selling proposition and differentiate itself. This can lead to increased brand recognition and preference. ? Increased sales and revenue: Effective celebrity endorsements can have a direct impact on sales and revenue. When consumers perceive a brand positively due to a celebrity endorsement, they may be more inclined to purchase its products or services. This can result in increased sales and overall business growthen_US
dc.publisherAlliance School of Business, Alliance Universityen_US
dc.subjectCelebrity Endorsementsen_US
dc.titleCelebrity Endorsements and Its Effect on Perceived Value of the Brandsen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - Alliance School of Business

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