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Title: Designing an Effective Cybersecurity Framework for Small And Medium- Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Authors: Dheiv Atshak, R S
Kundu, Sukanya
Keywords: Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMEs)
Digital Environment
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Alliance School of Business, Alliance University
Series/Report no.: 2021MMBA07ASB004
Abstract: In today's digital environment, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) face an increasing number of cybersecurity threats due to limited resources and lack of information. This report is designed to provide recommendations for creating a secure cybersecurity environment for SMEs. Objective: The objective of this study is to analyse the main risk factors that SME’s face pertaining to cyber threats,evaluating and bringing forth the cost efficient and effective cyber security framework options benefitting the SME’s . The report highlights the growing cyber threats facing SMBs, including malware, phishing, ransomware, and social engineering. It highlights the potential effects of such attacks on SMEs, such as financial loss and reputational damage. Possible Outcomes : The study will analyse the existing risk factors that SME’s face in the cybersecurity department and list out the most efficient and budget friendly cybersecurity options that small businesses can implement to avoid attacks.By implementing these measures, SMEs can protect their digital assets, ensure business continuity and maintain customer trust in an ever changing world.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - Alliance School of Business

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