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Title: Book Recommendation System Using Machine Learning
Authors: Vamsi Krishna, Neelapala Jola
Maitra, Sarit
Keywords: Machine Learning
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Alliance School of Business, Alliance University
Citation: 27p.
Series/Report no.: 2022MMBA07ASB203
Abstract: Mostly people are accessible to afew Recommendation systems that works with accuracy and delivering the good recommendations to the users in the way they wanted and also based on the ratings of the previous users . Mainly the Collaborative filtering has been ruling from the past few years and most of the algorithms are working on this Recommendation System approach and also when the users have been increasing continuously changing from offline to online Environment . Previously less than a decade back people used to buy the books from the book stores or read the books from the Libraries and they have suggested by some shopkeeper or Librarian . The Recommendation system approach is likely to be same but it takes the past data of the other users regarding the ratings then it go for the analysis and finally give the suggestions . Through online Platforms have many publications of the different authors but user need some Personalized book recommendations to look into further books which is similar to the user preferences of the book ratings , authors , Publications, Genres, etc..
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - Alliance School of Business

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