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Title: A Study on How Social Media Affects Cc
Authors: Madalsa, Bhatia
Chaudhary, Aparna
Keywords: How Social Media Affects
Consumer Purchasing Behaviour
User-Generated Content
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Alliance School of Business, Alliance University
Citation: 38p.
Series/Report no.: 2022MMBA07ASB304
Abstract: Social media's pervasiveness has drastically changed how customers find, investigate, and finally buy things. Brands are no longer limited to conventional advertising channels; instead, they are utilizing social media to build connections with customers and encourage a feeling of community and brand loyalty. This dissertation sets out to investigate the complex web of effects that social media has on the purchasing decisions of consumers. Understanding the Influence of Likes and User-Generated Content (UGC): User-generated content (UGC) is what makes social media so successful, even more so than traditional advertising. Purchase decisions can be greatly influenced by user reviews, testimonials, and even apparently insignificant "likes" on a product page. The huge number of likes and favorable reviews reinforces the idea of social proof, which holds that people should believe the decisions made by the majority. Consumer decisions inside their social networks can be influenced by regular users becoming micro-influencers thanks to platforms like Instagram stories, which feature product mentions and review sections. Since customers view user-generated material as coming from peers rather than a faceless organization, it resonates with them more profoundly than traditional advertising.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - Alliance School of Business

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