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Title: Understanding the Role of Brand Storytelling In Building Customer Loyalty
Authors: Kumari, Sakshi
Goel, Rahul
Keywords: Building Customer Loyalty
Brand Storytelling
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Alliance School of Business, Alliance University
Citation: 23p.
Series/Report no.: 2022MMBA07ASB324
Abstract: In today's dynamic economy, when consumers are flooded with options, developing and retaining client loyalty has become a critical problem for companies across industries. In this environment, brand storytelling has emerged as an effective technique for building emotional connections and fostering long-term commitment. This dissertation delves at the complex relationship between brand storytelling and customer loyalty, with the goal of providing a thorough understanding of how storytelling techniques influence brand-consumer interactions. To get insights into consumer views and behaviours, the study uses a quantitative survey to glean insights into consumer perceptions and behaviours. Through a systematic review of existing literature of brand narratives. A comprehensive assessment of current literature is used to synthesise major theoretical frameworks linked to brand narrative, emotional engagement, and customer loyalty, establishing the groundwork for empirical inquiry. In order to identify the underlying themes, structures, and rhetorical devices used in storytelling attempts, a thorough examination of brand tales from a variety of industries is conducted during the study's empirical phase. Meanwhile, a broad study is carried out to find out how consumers feel about brand storytelling and to investigate how it affects purchase intents, brand advocacy, and loyalty in general. According to the research, emotional resonance, authenticity, and narrative coherence are crucial in determining how consumers view brands. In addition, it describes the ways in which brand narrative fosters consumer advocacy, loyalty, and trust. With its practical advice for brand managers and marketers, the dissertation advances both theoretical understanding and managerial practice. Through the explanation of the complex relationship between storytelling narratives and consumer loyalty, this study provides practitioners with strategic recommendations for creating engaging brand stories that connect with their target markets. It highlights the revolutionary power of brand storytelling as a means of creating long-lasting bonds and developing brand advocates at a time of increased market competition and commoditization.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - Alliance School of Business

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