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Title: An Enhanced K-Means Algorithm For Large Data Clustering In Social Media Networks
Authors: Tamilselvan, R
Prabhu, A
Rajagopal, R
Keywords: Clustering, social network
Distilled graph
High dimensional
Social media data
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Wiley
Citation: Chapter 9; pp. 147-162
Abstract: When given a large-scale set of data, data analysis becomes more difficult. Identifying societies or consumers’ shared interests is particularly important for social network analysis. The enhanced information grouping for basic in interpersonal organization examination utilized in planning high dimensional information for successful information mining. The refined chart development in many existing works uses content of information as it were. The visual appraisal of information comprises of boisterous and scanty issue happen in refined diagram which makes the subsequent chart shaky and untrustworthy. Web-based media network information additionally contain connect data which gives comprises of (1) diagram development high-dimensional, quality worth information, for example, Facebook posts, tweets, remarks, and pictures, and (2) connected information that portrays the connections between web-based media clients just as who post the posts, and so on Existing works use the information interface for information bunching frequently inadequate, which means after effect of refined diagram are fragmented. The web-based media organization, the substance information regularly contains an enormous number of pointless highlights. The mind-boggling exercises of countless clients might create countless loud and inadequate of highlights. This paper proposes another k-means algorithm for huge information grouping utilizing refined chart in web-based media organization, utilizes an information bunching to track down the quantity of bunches in information. In this methodology we proposed algorithm for new k-means are shifts back and forth between two stages: In an element choice initial step, for observe the most agent subset of information grouping a transitional diagram instated with interface information. The second step for last coming about chart, which alluded to a refined diagram then, at that point, utilized informal organization information. A refined diagram bunching technique utilized on both the substance information and connection information. We efficiently plan and lead precise investigations to assess the proposed structure on datasets from true web-based media sites. © 2023 Scrivener Publishing LLC.
ISBN: 9781394175253
Appears in Collections:Book/ Book Chapters

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