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dc.contributor.authorRanpreet Kaur-
dc.contributor.authorSonali Prasad Dharmadhikari-
dc.description.abstractIndio as an economy is witnessing groll'th in dijferent segments and 1rorld is looking at India us a polellfial prospect due to rohust demcmd..flexihilities, expertise, gm·emme11t initiutil·es, i11tens[(icatio11 of' technologr u11cl_ro1111g JJop11lotio11. Amongst d[fferent segments, telecommunication sector is witnessing remarkahle growth and has eme,ged as second lmgest market ./<Jr suhscriber base and third lmgest in terms o/FDI affraction. Teleco111111unicatio11 sector is \\'ifnessing the incredible'()J11 JC to impleme11tatio11 <d. 5G. It is expected that India H'i/1 h<:co111e the cligitul eco110111_\' of'$ I 111 hy 202 5. This research irork is addressing the ove1Tiew of' Indian teleco111111u11icatio11 sec/01: its incredible prospects, Government policy assistance, ample im·est111e11ts ornilahility c111clji1t11re potential. Rohust demand mu/ hright.fi1t11re prospect is oh.H:n-ed in the lndiu11 teleco1111111111ication secro,: As per the s111Te_r r~l Zenith media, India is projected as ll potell!iul telecom sector llch-ertisement market, 1, ·ith a year(\' rate <~f'gro11·th of I I per cent It is also.fbuml that the government has initiated l'arious structural and regulatory changes to boost telecomm1111icatio11 sector like 100 per cent FD! through automatic route, Satellite based - NB-lo T. prod11ctio11-/inked i11centi1·e (PU) scheme and /J/wsed mmwf'acturing programme. Revolutionc11:\' changes have been obse1Ted in the sector.fiwn JG i111ple111e11talio11 to 5G initiatin's.-
dc.publisherThe Management Accountant-
dc.titleIndian Telecommunication Sector- 2G to 5G Revolution-
dc.volVol. 57-
dc.issuedNo. 11-
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