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Title: Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse: A Pertinent legal Analysis
Authors: Bhatnagar, Shreshth
Issue Date: 9-Sep-2022
Publisher: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
Abstract: The term Child on Child Sexual Abuse (COCSA) is defined as sexual activity between children that occurs without consent, without equality (mentally, physically, or in age), or as a result of physical or emotional coercion. What this means is that a power difference exists between the two children, whether that is in age, size, or ability. This led to mental instability of child in future perspectives While the trauma for the victim is the same as if it had happened by an adult, this type of abuse often goes unreported—either because it’s dismissed by adults as “kids being kids” or for the fear of what will happen to one or both of the children to have the abuse known. The truth is that both children need help in a situation like this. The child being abused certainly needs the appropriate care to avoid the weight of lifelong trauma that so many survivors of child sexual abuse experience, as well as the symptoms that go with it. The child who has engaged in the harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) needs help as well. If they are able to see a licensed medical/mental health professional to help them work through these age -inappropriate sexual behaviours, then they are less likely to engage in HSB again.2 The age-range (12to 14 yrs.) experiences a lot of changes as puberty begins, and if they have a skewed view of sex, or a propensity toward HSB, they may target someone younger, smaller, or with cognitive or physical limitations
ISSN: 2349-5162
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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