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Title: Factors Affecting Students Performance in Context of Improving Higher Education- a Case of Private Institute
Authors: Nitin Shrivastava
Sameer V Aidya
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Science Technology and Management Journal of Aisect University
Abstract: Education is of several types and patterns. There is for example, the arts education, the scientific education, the religious education, the physical education. In India, as in other countries, much stress has been laid on the promotion of technical education since the attainment of independence. India's economic ills are sought to be overcome through a process of Industrialization for which, in tum, technical education is very essential. In other words, technical education is a vital prelude to India's property. The scope of technical education is very comprehensive. It incorporates within itself all subjects of study in engineering and technology. Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, Mining engineering, Aeronautical engineering, Metallurgical engineering, Industrial engineering, Chemical engineering, Agricultural engineering, Production engineering, and a host of other fields of engineering form part of technical education. "Quality in technical education is a complex concept that has eluded clear definition. There are a variety <?f stakeholders in higher education including students, employers, teaching and non-teaching staff government and its funding agencies, accreditors, valuators', auditors, and assessors (including professional bodies).Each of these stakeholders has a different view on quality, influenced by his or her own interest in higher education. For example, to the committed scholar, the quality of higher education is its ability to produce a steady flow of people with high intelligence and commitment to learning that will continue the process of transmission and advancement of knowledge. To the government, a high quality system is one that produces trained scientists, engineers, and architects, doctors and so on in numbers judged to be required by society. The present work enlightens same path, so as to fulfil the demands of market and to improve quality of education in the present work some quality tools such as UNEAR PROGRAMMING, TQM, QUALITY FUNCTION DEPWYMENT, with chi square testing and mat lab, have been used. Basic primary tool used is LPP which helps in converting demand of customer to action. It helps in understanding unspoken needs of customer which are desperately needed to be fulfilled. In this improvement work main focus was on improvement of labs and teaching staff, for maintenance of labs & improvement in teaching, use of quality circle is stressed with concept of TPM and Kaizen approach. Most interesting thing of using these tools was that they helped in achievement of desired target without much added resource, only refinement of procedure; moreover maintenance helps in gaining knowledge with saving extra expenditure. This also helps in up gradation of quality of products which satisfies external customer.
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