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Title: A study on the Issues Related to Women Entrepreneurs in Andhar Pradesh in Establishing and Managing the Enterprises
Authors: N. Sangeetha
P. Muralikrishna
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Bift 's Journal of International Managemet and Research
Abstract: The views of women entrepreneurs on 12 issues pertaining to establishing and managing the enterprises have been sought on a five point scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The data are analysed based on Chi-square analysis. The (C2 ) obs < (C2) tab for all the issues except for the issue 'women join entrepreneurial career out of compulsion' for which the opinion evenly distributed among the response categories. The women entrepreneurs strongly disagree with the statement 'right place for women is home' indicating that they are determined to active outside the house. Majority of the women entrepreneurs fav our the statement 'incase of dire economic need, job is more suitable for women than an entrepreneurial career'. The statement ' being a woman is a boon for becoming an entrepreneur' did not find much favour. The statements 'supervision and control of labour are easy for women entrepreneurs' and 'marketing of products poses no difficulty for women entrepreneurs' received mixed favour. Majority of the women entrepreneurs agree with the statements 'availing of financial assistance from support agencies is a problem for women entrepreneurs', 'acquiring technical know-how is a problem to women entrepreneurs', 'management training is a must for women entrepreneurs', ' it is difficult for a woman to survive as an entrepreneur if there is no help from husband/guardian ' and 'woman 's success in entrepreneurial career results in neglect of family and home' . Higher percentage of women agrees with the statement 'women entrepreneurs can compete with men entrepreneurs' which indicates the determination and confidence of the women entrepreneurs about their abilities. The observations are analysed and discussed in the light of the conditions and environment under which women entrepreneurs are managing the enterprises.
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