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dc.contributor.authorSanjit Kumar Dash-
dc.contributor.authorB. B. Mishra-
dc.description.abstractThe arena of household decision making proved to be complex and every member of family exert some influence, which may vary in degrees. Each family member may strongly believe that he or she exert a great deal of influence in some decision and a little in others, independent of their influence of other family members (Bernhardt, 1974). Foxman et al (1989) studied the adolescent influence factors. Tansuhaj and Exstrom (1989) studied on Adolescents' influence in family purchase decisions and reported that the earnings and employment positively affect the teen's perceived influence across product choices-
dc.publisherBJIMR Journal of International Management-
dc.titleInfluenceofadolescentsonfamily Decision Making-
dc.volVol 1-
dc.issuedNo 3-
Appears in Collections:Articles to be qced

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