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Title: Development of Optimum Mix Content of River Sand for M-sand, Fly Ash - Slag based Geopolymer Concrete Cured at Ambient Curing
Authors: Mahantesh, N B
Keywords: Fly Ash
Ambient Curing,
Fiber Concrete
Fiber Reinforced Geopolymers
Low calcium Fly Ash concrete
OPC Concrete
Issue Date: 2-Jan-2022
Publisher: International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Abstract: River sand and M sand compete each other for best concrete properties while strength factors are held by M sand and workability & fresh concreting properties are held by river sand, in addition the concrete with variations in coarse aggregates percentage needs structural attention to evolve a better solution in strength and appreciable fresh concrete properties. Thick binder pastes due to 60 to 70% of total aggregates in a concrete volume produce a concrete which may not have a appreciable highest strength. This is due to for a set of fine aggregates and coarse aggregates there are few percentage combinations among these that have an optimum packing between them and there by solidity to rock is brough back by minimum binder paste having more elastic modulus of elasticity, tensile strength and poisson’s ratio.
ISSN: 0973-4562
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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