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dc.contributor.authorPravin Dahiphale-
dc.contributor.authorR. C. Purohit-
dc.description.abstractThe hyological quality of an aquifer system is evalua ted by means of two parameters- its capabili ties to transmit water (transmissivity, T) and to s tore wa ter (s torage coeffi cie nt, S). Obtaining reasonable hyological input parameters is a key ch allenge in groundwater modeling. Hence, the study conducted in hard rock area of Waka1 river basin for the estimation of hyological parameters. The pumping test is the standard technique for determination of transmissivity and storage coefficient. In this research we have conducted ten pumping test in elected wells of diffe rent geological formation. These parameters were estima ted by Papadopulos and Cooper method, Boulton and Streltsova and Sen method. A correlation was established between these method s. Papadopulos and Cooper method and Boulton and Streltsova method was s trongly correlated with each other for transmissivity values. Papadopulos and Cooper method and Sen method was moderately correlated with each other for transmissivity values. Papadopulos and Cooper method and Sen method was negatively correlated with each other for storage coefficient va lues. Boulton and Streltsova and Sen method was mod erately correlated with each other for storage coefficient values. The transmi sivity values ranges from 132. 82 m2 / day to 343. 94 m2 / day by Pap adopulos and Cooper method. The transmissivity values ranges from114. 36 m2 / day to 257. 96 m2 / day by Boulton and Streltsova. The transmissivity values ranges from 35. 81 m2/ day to 98. 14 m2/ day by Sen method.-
dc.publisherEcology Environment and Conservation-
dc.titleEstimation of Hydrological Parameters in Wakal River Basin of Rajasthan-
dc.volVol 20-
dc.issuedNo 3-
Appears in Collections:Articles to be qced

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