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Title: Human Resource Management Practices in the Changing Scenario
Authors: Kulbhushan Chandel
Mrs. Veshalee Jagota
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: GGGI Bi-Annual Refereed International Journal of Management
Abstract: HRM has great significance to Public Enterprises in view of their (arge size and complexity of organization, and also because of the need to manage them professionally. The success of any organization largely depends upon the quality of its human resources and the exten_t to which they are aggravated to contribute on their respective jobs. The present study is confined to examine various important aspects related to Human Resource Management prevalent in SJVN Limited. The Work culture and human resource practices and policies over recruitment, training programs, incentive system, employer-employee relationships, empowerment of employees, employee service and welfare system, etc as perceived by the employees of SJVN were examined.
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