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Title: Impact of Bio-Fertilizers on Nutrient Uptake of Blue Pine (Pinus Wallichiana) Seedlings Under Nursey Conditions
Authors: Malik Asif
Shazia Lone
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Ecology Environment and Conservation
Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of bio-fertilizers on nutrient uptake of blue pine seed lings under nursery conditions. The experiment was tested under Completely Randomised Design with three replications which comprised of two nitrogen fixing bio-fertilizers viz Azotobacter sp, Azospirillum sp, two p hosphorus solubilizing bacteria's viz Pseudomonas ffuorescens, Bacillus subtillis and two ecto-mycorrhizal fungi viz Pisolithus tinctorius, Laccaria laccata and control. The research findings show that the various biofertilizers enhanced the plant nutrient status viz; N, P, K, Ca and Mg significantly than control. Further, the two ectomycorrhizae viz Pisolithus tinctorius and Laccaria laccata used in the stud ies proved superior over rest of the inoculants and control. It was followed by Azotobacter sp, Azospirillum sp, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtillis respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded from the study that the application of biofertilizers at nursery stage improve the nutrient uptake and growth of blue pine plants.
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