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Title: Our Earth Matters Pathways to a Better Common Environmental Future- Part1
Authors: Bharat H. Desai
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Environmental Policy and Law Journal For Decision Makers
Abstract: It is a great pl easure and privilege to be in vited tose rve as Editor- in -C hi ef o f the iconic Environ.mentalPolicy & Law (EPL). It has co me amidst globaldisruption and trauma caused s in ce ea rl y 2020 bythe unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic. In th e wakeof an innocuous Skype ca ll for consulta ti on, MartenStavenga, IOS Press co ll eague, accepted my id ea fo ra specia l issue to celebrate 50 th anniversary of EPL.He promptly invited me on 08 June 2020 to be th eGuest Ed itor o f the EPL Special Issue. lt is alsotouching that the sagacious Director of IOS Press,reposed trust in me first as th e Manag in g Editor a ndthen as th e Ed itor-in-Chie f.The EPL invitation came as a reason (f.lfirm} toex tri ca te me from the morass of inv esting enormoustime, e nergy a nd creativity in grooming personsaround me and in safeguarding my home tur f. As acoro ll ary to my two decades of sc ho larly works ong loba l e nvi ro nmental gove rn ance , the EPL role hasse t me o n to the wider path of finding schola rl y a ndpolicy-re levant answe rs to th e c ri sis ans in gfrom th e human developmen ta l predicament thathas impe ril ed o ur o nl y abode of planet earth.
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