Browsing by Author Chavali, Murthy

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 49  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-01-18Active Bionanocomposite Coating Quality Assessments of Some Cucumber Properties with Some Diverse Applications during Storage Condition by Chitosan, Nano Titanium Oxide Crystals, and Sodium TripolyphosphateChavali, Murthy
2022Active Bionanocomposite Coating Quality Assessments of Some Cucumber Properties with Some Diverse Applications during Storage Condition by Chitosan, Nano Titanium Oxide Crystals, and Sodium TripolyphosphateHelal, Mahmoud; Sami, Rokayya; Algarni, Eman; Alshehry, Garsa; Aljumayi, Huda; Al-Mushhin, Amina A. M.; Benajiba, Nada; Chavali, Murthy
2022-01-18Active Bionanocomposite Coating Quality Assessments of Some Cucumber Properties with Some Diverse Applications during Storage Condition by Chitosan, Nano Titanium Oxide Crystals, and Sodium TripolyphosphateChavali, Murthy
2021-10-11Adsorption, Equilibrium Isotherm, and Thermodynamic Studies towards the Removal of Reactive Orange 16 Dye Using Cu(I)-Polyaninile CompositeChavali, Murthy
2021-10-11Adsorption, Equilibrium Isotherm, and Thermodynamic Studies towards the Removal of Reactive Orange 16 Dye Using Cu(I)-Polyaninile CompositeChavali, Murthy
2022Advances In Epoxy/Synthetic/Natural Fiber CompositesParameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Gopi, Jineesh Ayippadath; Chavali, Murthy; Dominic, C D Midhun; Radoor, Sabarish; Jayakumar, Aswathy; Siengchin, Suchart; Rangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere; Krishnasamy, Senthilkumar; Hameed, Nishar; Thomas, Sabu
2023Advantages of Using Nanobiotechnology In Enhancing The Economic Status of The CountryTrivedi, Darshini; Chavali, Murthy; Vohra, Shivani; Salunkhe, Pracheta; Tripathi, Sudhanshu
2023Automotive Applications of Biodegradable PolymersJineesh, A G; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Chavali, Murthy; Bahadur, Vijay; Prasad, Vipin; Hegde, Chitrakara; Bhansali, Pravin R
2021-09-21Bio-inspired graphene-based nano-systems for biomedical applicationsChavali, Murthy
2022-03-08Comparative Mapping of World and Indian Nanocellulose Research Output during the last Decade: A Scientometric StudyChavali, Murthy
2022Comparative Mapping of World and Indian Nanocellulose Research Output during the last Decade: A Scientometric StudyKappi, Mallikarjun; Chavali, Murthy; M, Chaman Sab; Ahmed, KK Mueen
2022-03Comparative Mapping of World and Indian Nanocellulose Research Output during the last Decade: A Scientometric StudyChavali, Murthy
2022Comparative Mapping of World and Indian Nanocellulose Research Output During the Last Decade: A Scientometric StudyKappi, Mallikarjun; Chavali, Murthy; Sab, Chaman M; Ahmed, K K Mueen
2022-05Current Trends in Bio-Waste Mediated Metal/Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Drug DeliveryGowda, B H Jaswanth; Ahmed, Mohammed Gulzar; Chinnam, Sampath; Paul, Karthika; Ashrafuzzaman, mohamed; Chavali, Murthy; Gahtori, Rekha; Pandit, Soumya; Kesari, Kavindra Kumar; Gupta, Piyush Kumar
2021-11-15Development of Instant Linear Gel for Coal Bed Methane Gas OperationsChavali, Murthy
2022Effect of Nano and Hybrid Fillers on Shape-Memory Polymers PropertiesSubbaroy Sarma, G V S; Chavali, Murthy; Nikolova, Maria P; Tripati, Gagan Kant
2022-08-10Engineered Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Externally Controlled Hyperthermia, Drug Delivery, And Therapeutic ToxicityMohammad, Faruq; Al-Lohedan, Hamad A; Joshi, Payal B; Obulapuram, Prasanna Kumar; Chavali, Murthy; Al-Balawi, Aiesha Nawaf; Nikolova, Maria P
2022-11-22Enhancing Smart Sensor Tag Sensing Performance-Based on Modified Plasma-Assisted Electrochemical Exfoliated Graphite NanosheetLin, Tzu-Hsuan; Putranto, Alan; Wang, Yan-Ting; Yang, Qing-Hao; Wu, Ren-Jang; Liu, Chia-Hao; Lin, Che-Kuan; Chavali, Murthy
2022-06-02Environmentally friendly low-cost graphene oxide-cellulose nanocomposite filter for dye removal from waterChavali, Murthy
2021-09-21Evaluation of Some Active Nutrients, Biological Compounds and Health Benefits of Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)Chavali, Murthy