Browsing by Author Chutia, Upankar

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-06An Analysis of Challenges to Competition Law in the Age of E- CommerceRai, Aparna; Chutia, Upankar
2024-05-06An Analysis of the Impacts on Anti Circumvention Laws in IndiaVijetha, S; Chutia, Upankar
2023-06-10An Analysis on Protection and Recognition of Folklore as an Intellectual Property with Special Reference to the States of Tamil Nadu and Andhra PradeshDeeptha, K R; Chutia, Upankar
2022-07Compulsory Licensing of Essential Pharmaceutical Products During A Pandemic: A Critical Legal StudyNupur, Adawadkar; Chutia, Upankar
2021-07Copyright infringement in the digital environment: An analysis of refashioning of songs and tunes in IndiaTalukdar, Riya; Chutia, Upankar
2023-06-10Critical Analysis of Copyright for Artificial Intelligence Generated Works in IndiaBiswas, Sneha; Chutia, Upankar
2023-06-07Critical Analysis of Cybersquatting Regulations in IndiaDebnath, Tapas Nisith; Chutia, Upankar
2024A Critical Evaluation of Customs Regulations in India with Special Reference to National SecurityRajesh, T V; Chutia, Upankar
2022-03-03The Effect of TRIPS Implementation on Indian Patent Law: A Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective: With Special Reference to Healthcare IndustryChutia, Upankar; Dutta, Gyanashree
2022The Effect of Trips Implementation on Indian Patent Law: A Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective: with Special Reference to Healthcare IndustrySingh, Bhupinder; Shastri, Arunima; Mukherjee, Baidya Nath; Chutia, Upankar; Dutta, Gyanashree
2022-03-03Gearing up mental health and wellnessChutia, Upankar; Dutta, Gyanashree
2022-06-01A Gender-Inclusive Legal Approach on Environment and Women in Rural India: A Nexus to the Concept of Poverty FeminisationChutia, Upankar; Dutta, Gyanashree
2021-07Green Technology towards Sustainable Public Health: A Critical Analysis on Article 31(B) of the Trips AgreementRajpathy, Olivia Sharon; Chutia, Upankar
2020-06The Impact of Globalisation on Mergers and Acquisitions of Corporate Sector in IndiaGandhi, Tanika; Chutia, Upankar
2022Implementation Strategies of National Education Policy 2020: Psycho-Legal Analysis towards Achieving its ObjectivesChutia, Upankar; Dutta, Gyanashree; Kaur, Harguneet; Singh, Bhupinder; Shastri, Arunima
2022-06-06Implementation Strategies of National Education Policy 2020: Psycho-Legal Analysis towards Achieving its ObjectivesChutia, Upankar; Dutta, Gyanashree
2024-05-06Inetrsection of Contractual Licencing and Competition Policy in the Digital Realm in IndiaAnanthi, M; Chutia, Upankar
2020-06The influence of Cross Borders Mergers and Acquisition by Firms in Indian MarketsC.H.S, Vikas; Chutia, Upankar
2023-07-01Minority Educational Institutions in India in the Era of PrivatizationAlmeida, Francis Assisi; Chutia, Upankar
2024-05-06Trade Secret Laws in India Under IPR Regime: An Emerging NeedThanima, S; Chutia, Upankar