Browsing by Author Debnath, Saswati

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-07-12Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition Towards Education for DisabilitiesDebnath, Saswati; Roy, Pinki; Namasudra, Suyel; Crespo, Ruben Gonzalez
2024A Computational Model of Epidemics Using Seirx Model; [Un Modelo Computacional De Epidemias Utilizando El Modelo Seirx]Marimuthu, Senbagavalli; Debnath, Saswati; Ramachandran, Saravanakumar; Parasuraman, Manikandan; Menon, Satish
2023An Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques for Detecting Banking FraudsR, Rajagopal; M, Senbagavalli; Debnath, Saswati; K, Deepu; K, Darshan; K.S., Varun Tejas
2023Facemask Detection System Using CNN ModelSenbagavalli, M; Debnath, Saswati; Rajagopal, R; Ghildial, Kishkind
2024Lip-Geometry Feature-Based Visual Digit RecognitionDebnath, Saswati; Senbagavalli, M; Rajagopal, R
2024Lip-Geometry Feature-Based Visual Digit RecognitionDebnath, Saswati; Senbagavalli, M; Rajagopal, R
2022Multimodal Authentication System Based on Audio-Visual Data: A ReviewDebnath, Saswati; Ramalakshmi, K; Senbagavalli, M
2024Retraction Note: Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition Towards Education for Disabilities (Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, (2023), 53, 9, (3581-3594), 10.1007/S10803-022-05654-4)Debnath, Saswati; Roy, Pinki; Namasudra, Suyel; Crespo, Ruben Gonzalez
2022A Transparent Rule-Based System For Parkinson'S Disease ManagementBoruah, Arpita Nath; Debnath, Saswati; Biswas, Saroj Kr
2023A Unified Approach for Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using CNN and Sift LocalizationKhan, Sameer Ali; Sravya, Bandi Rupa; Debnath, Saswati; Soni, Badal