Browsing by Author Korah, Reeba

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Analyzing the Low Power Techniques In Sram Cells At 45Nm Node TechnologyDhariwal, Sandeep; Thomas, Aby K; Korah, Reeba; Manasi, S
2015An Automatic Detection of Optic Disc In Low Quality Retinal Images By Modified Directional Matched FilterMurugan, Murugan; Korah, Reeba; Kavitha, Tamilselvan
2019-01An Automatic Localization of Optic Disc in Low Resolution Retinal Images by Modified Directional Matched FilterRaman, Murugan; Korah, Reeba; Tamilselvan, Kavitha
2024Autonomous Inspection of Solar Panels and Wind Turbines Using Yolov8 With Quadrotor DronesLionel, Nguyen; Bingi, Kishore; Ibrahim, Rosdiazli; Korah, Reeba; Kumar, Gaurav; Rajanarayan Prusty, B
2023Comparative Analysis of Low Power Sram Cells Using Gated Vdd and Mtcmos TechniquesDhariwal, Sandeep; Thomas, Aby K; Korah, Reeba; Manasi, S
2015Computer Aided Screening of Optic Disc In Retinal Images Using Binary Orientation MapMurugan, Murugan; Korah, Reeba; Kavitha, Tamilselvan
2016-11-13Computer-Aided Detection and Identification of Mine-Like Objects in Infrared Imagery Using Digital Image ProcessingSuganthi, G; Korah, Reeba
2016-03Computerized Liver Segmentation from CT Images using Probabilistic Level Set ApproachEapen, Maya; Korah, Reeba; Geetha, G
2018-09-01Data Hiding Using Ycbcr-DWT in Addition to NoiseMaheswari, S; Korah, Reeba
2018Design and Analysis of Low Power, Area Efficient Skip Logic For Cska Circuit In Arithmetic UnitVijayakumar, S; Jayaprakasan, V; Korah, Reeba
2018-01Design and Implementation of a Reversible Logic Circuit and Its Power Analysis Using Conventional CMOS and Adiabatic LogicRenganayaki, G; Korah, Reeba; Salivahanan, S
2021Design and Study of Circuits Using Reversible LogicSooriamala, A P; Thomas, Aby K; Korah, Reeba
2023Design of Multiplexers Using Reversible Logic TechniqueSooriamala, A P; Solomi, VSherlin; Korah, Reeba; Thomas, Aby K
2018-03Efficient String Matching FPGA for speed up Network Intrusion DetectionJoseph, J Armstrong; Korah, Reeba; Salivahanan, S
2019-09-30Embedding with Pca Based Svd Framelet Transform with Visual Cryptography In VideoMaheswari, S; Korah, Reeba
2017Enhanced Skin Tone Detection Using Heuristic ThresholdingS, Maheswari; Korah, Reeba
2017Enhanced Skin Tone Detection Using Heuristic Thresholding.Maheswari, S; Korah, Reeba
2018-03-18A Framework of Secured Embedding Scheme Using Vector Discrete Wavelet Transformation and Lagrange InterpolationSubramanian, Maheswari; Korah, Reeba
2017-12Impact of Gatelength on the Performance of InGaAs/InAs/InGaAs Composite Channel Dual Material Double Gate-High Electron Mobility Transistor Devices for High-Frequency ApplicationsNagarajan, S; Korah, Reeba; Kalavathy, G Maria
2016-01-01Leakage Current Minimization In Footerless Domino Logic Circuits Using Stalk TechniqueNarayanan, S Lakshmi; Korah, Reeba; Swarnalatha, A