Browsing by Author Rajagopal, R

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Analysis of Detecting Brain Tumors Using Deep Learning AlgorithmsGeetha, A; Shaheen, H; Rajagopal, R
2024Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Healthcare Management System and ApplicationsRajagopal, R; Senbagavalli, M
2023-04-25Cybersecurity in Internet of Things Networks using Deep Learning ModelsAnitha, V; Naveen Kumar, C G; Kuchipudi, Ramu; Sharma, Khushboo; Muralidharan, J; Rajagopal, R
2024An Effective Method for Managing Waste in Smart Cities Based on Unified Cnn and Lstm ApproachRajagopal, R; Arjun Suryawanshi, Mahesh; Akbar, Shaik; Chandra Sekhar Rao, B; Patil, Harshal; Kalra, Gourav
2023An Enhanced K-Means Algorithm For Large Data Clustering In Social Media NetworksTamilselvan, R; Prabhu, A; Rajagopal, R
2023Facemask Detection System Using CNN ModelSenbagavalli, M; Debnath, Saswati; Rajagopal, R; Ghildial, Kishkind
2024Lip-Geometry Feature-Based Visual Digit RecognitionDebnath, Saswati; Senbagavalli, M; Rajagopal, R
2024Lip-Geometry Feature-Based Visual Digit RecognitionDebnath, Saswati; Senbagavalli, M; Rajagopal, R
2023Machine Learning Technique For Detecting Banking Fraud Based on Big Data AnalysisDeepu, K; Darshan, K; Varun Tejas, K S; Rajagopal, R
2023Machine Learning With Monarch Butterfly Optimization For Prediction of Emergency Patient Admission StatusVijayarangam, S; Vasundhara, S; Beherac, Nihar Ranjan; Das, Shyamali; Chandre, Shanker; Rajagopal, R
2024-05-01Navigating The Interplay of Privacy, Security, and Ethics On Social Media In The Cybersecurity LandscapeKumari, Riya; Gupta, Anusha; Gupta, Deepanshu; Rajagopal, R
2023A Network For Collaborative Detection Of Intrusions In Smart Cities Using Blockchain TechnologyAnitha, V; Sharma, Seema; Jayavadivel, R; Hanuman, Akundi S; Gayathri, B; Rajagopal, R
2024Optimising Waste Collection and Recycling in Urban Areas with VanetRajagopal, R; Gandh, MohdAsif; Selvam, N; Kanase, Sandip S; Bhoopathy, V; Mishra, Nitin; Rajaram, A