Alliance University, Bengaluru
Institutional Repository
Browsing by Author Satapathy, Smita
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024-05-06 | Anti- Dumping Measures and Competition Policy: A Comparative Study of India, EU, and USA | Saritha, P; Satapathy, Smita |
2023-06-09 | Challenges of Competition in Telecommunication Sector and Critical Legal Analysis of Predatory Pricing in India | Shanmugam, Swathi; Satapathy, Smita |
2024-05-06 | The Concept of Corporate Veil: A Comparative Study of India, UK and USA | Bharadwaja, S S S; Satapathy, Smita |
2022-02-16 | Constitutional Provisions for The Protection of Environment in India | Satapathy, Smita |
2021-10-09 | Corporate Fraud and Criminal Liability of Directors | Satapathy, Smita |
2023-06-09 | Corporate Insolvency: A Critical Analysis of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws in India | Singh, Alka; Satapathy, Smita |
2023-10-01 | A Critical Review of Coastal Zone Management Regime in Context of Kerala | Asha, J; Kumar, Sumant; Satapathy, Smita |
2024 | The Developmental Facets of Religious Harmony In India | Thomas, Subin; Satapathy, Smita |
2021-11-09 | Implication of Minority Rights in the Secular India | Satapathy, Smita |
2022-07 | A Study of Marital Rape in India with A Comparison of the UK, USA and Canada | Yewale, Charulata; Satapathy, Smita |