Browsing by Author Senbagavalli, M

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Healthcare Management System and ApplicationsRajagopal, R; Senbagavalli, M
2022-06-06Artificial Intelligence and Medical Information ModelingSenbagavalli, M
2021-09-21Automated Wheelchair Controller System using IoTRajath, V; Shekarappa G, Swetha; Senbagavalli, M
2023Avocado Fruit Image Classification Using Resnet Convolutional Neural NetworksSenbagavalli, M; Swetha Shekarappa, G; Harshini, Narra
2021-02-02Biometric authentication system using visual cryptographykumari, Vasantha; peerzade, Umar; Nayak, Subhralina; V, Bhagya; Senbagavalli, M
2022-12Data Breach –Its Effects on IndustryBargavi, Manju; Senbagavalli, M; Tejashwini, K R; Tejashvar, K R
2023Deep Learning Model For Flood Estimate and Relief Management System Using Hybrid AlgorithmSenbagavalli, M; Sathiyamoorthi, V; Manju Bargavi, S K; Shekarappa, G Swetha; Jesudas, T
2023Diabetes Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning AlgorithmJanarthanan, S; Varun, T G; Hussain, Shariff Y; Senbagavalli, M
2023-03-24Dynamic Mobile Cloud Eco System Security - A ReviewAnitha, M; Senbagavalli, M
2024Enhancing Deep Learning for Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection with Dual-Encoder Gan-Based Augmentation of Electroencephalogram Data [Mejora Del Aprendizaje Profundo Para La Detección De Trastornos Del Espectro Autista Con Aumento De Datos De Electroencefalograma Basado En Gan De Codificador Dual]Lalli, K; Senbagavalli, M
2023Facemask Detection System Using CNN ModelSenbagavalli, M; Debnath, Saswati; Rajagopal, R; Ghildial, Kishkind
2022-01Hand Sign Recognition using YOLOV5Saji, Alen Charuvila; Ramalakshmi, K; Senbagavalli, M; Gunasekaran, Hemalatha; Ebenezer, Shamila
2023Identification of Biomarker for Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Eeg: A ReviewLalli, K; Senbagavalli, M
2022Improving Patient Health In Smart Healthcare Monitoring Systems Using IotSenbagavalli, M; Singh, Sanjeev Kumar
2024Lip-Geometry Feature-Based Visual Digit RecognitionDebnath, Saswati; Senbagavalli, M; Rajagopal, R
2024Lip-Geometry Feature-Based Visual Digit RecognitionDebnath, Saswati; Senbagavalli, M; Rajagopal, R
2022Multimodal Authentication System Based on Audio-Visual Data: A ReviewDebnath, Saswati; Ramalakshmi, K; Senbagavalli, M
2022Multimodality Analysis of Psychological DisordersSekarn, S Chandra; Senbagavalli, M
2020Social Media Content Analysis: Machine LearningVijayakumar, D Sudaroli; Senbagavalli, M; Thangaraju, Jesudas; Sathiyamoorthi, V