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Showing results 1 to 20 of 63  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Advances In Epoxy/Synthetic/Natural Fiber CompositesParameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Gopi, Jineesh Ayippadath; Chavali, Murthy; Dominic, C D Midhun; Radoor, Sabarish; Jayakumar, Aswathy; Siengchin, Suchart; Rangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere; Krishnasamy, Senthilkumar; Hameed, Nishar; Thomas, Sabu
2022-06Aging Effects on Free Vibration and Damping Characteristics of Polymer-Based Biocomposites: A ReviewRamalingam, Ruban; Kumar, Mohit Hemath; Rangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere; Siengchin, Suchart; Chellapandi, Pandi Selva Durai
2024Analysis of the Thermal Properties in Short Sansevieria Cylindrica Fibre/Pla Composites Processed By Twin Screw Extruder Followed By Hot Press Molding TechniqueKrishnasamy, Senthilkumar; Ungtrakul, Thitinun; Chandrasekar, M; Senthil Muthu Kumar, T; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Mohit, H; Aravind, D; Rajini, N; Siengchin, Suchart; Natarajan, Varagunapandiyan
2023Antimicrobial Properties of Nanocomposite Films for Food Packaging ApplicationsJayakumar, Aswathy; Radoor, Sabarish; Kim, Jun Tae; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Siengchin, Suchart
2023-06-12Autonomous Self-Healing in Green Epoxy Thermosets for Flexible Functional CoatingsPulikkalparambil, Harikrishnan; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Pionteck, Jürgen; Nandi, Debabrata; Siengchin, Suchart
2023-06-07Banana/ Coir Biofibers and Carbon/Innegra Fabrics and BN/MWCNT Nanoparticles Reinforced UV Resistant Polyester Hybrid CompositesKumar, Mohit Hemath; Sanjay, Mavinkere Rangappa; Techawinyutham, Laongdaw; Siengchin, Suchart; Al-Romaizan, Abeer Nasser; Hussein, Mahmoud A; Khan, Anish; Asiri, Abdullah M
2023Biobased Materials In Wound DressingsRadoor, Sabarish; Jayakumar, Aswathy; Narayanan, Aswathy; Karayil, Jasila; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Siengchin, Suchart
2023Biocomposites for Industrial Applications: Construction, Biomedical Transportation, and Food PackagingMuthukumar, Chandrasekar; Thiagamani, Senthil Muthu Kumar; Krishnasamy, Senthilkumar; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Siengchin, Suchart
2023-04-26A Comprehensive Review On Natural Fillers Reinforced Polymer Composites Using Fused Deposition ModelingPeriyasamy, Ramesh; Kumar, Mohit Hemanth; Rangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere; Siengchin, Suchart
2022Cotton Fibers, Their Composites and ApplicationsRadoor, Sabarish; Karayil, Jasila; Jayakumar, Aswathy; Shivanna, Jyothi M; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Siengchin, Suchart
2023Cytotoxicity and Biocompatibility of Biobased MaterialsJayakumar, Aswathy; Radoor, Sabarish; Rhim, Jong Whan; Parameswaranpillai, JJyotishkumar; Siengchin, Suchart; Kim, Jun Tae
2023-04-15Discarded Water Hyacinth/Pineapple Fibers and Carbon/Innegra Fabrics and Tic Nanoparticles Reinforced UV Resistant Polyester CompositesKumar, Mohit Hemath; Rangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere; Yorseng, Krittirash; Siengchin, Suchart; Marwani, Hadi M; Khan, Anish; Asiri, Abdullah M
2023-02-25Effect of Bio-Fibers and Inorganic Fillers Reinforcement on Mechanical and Thermal Characteristics on Carbon-Kevlar-Basalt-Innegra Fiber Bio/ Synthetic Epoxy Hybrid CompositesKumar, Mohit Hemath; Rangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere; Gapsari, Femiana; Siengchin, Suchart; Marwani, Hadi M; Khan, Anish; Asiri, Abdullah M
2024Effect of Ferrous, Nickel, and Tungsten Fillers Reinforcement on Glass Fiber Reinforced Vinyl Ester/Polyester CompositesHemath, Mohit; Rangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere; Pandi Selvan Durai, C; Ramesh, Periyasamy; Siengchin, Suchart; Al-Romaizan, Abeer Nasser; Hussein, Mahmoud A; Khan, Anish; Asiri, Abdullah M; Althomali, Raed H
2024Effect of Inorganic Fillers Reinforcement In Flexible Polyvinylidene Fluoride (Pvdf) Films Acoustic Characteristics: an Experimental and Statistical InvestigationNivedhitha, D M; Subramanian, Jeyanthi; Selvaraj, Vinoth Kumar; Viswapriyan, A S; Nishaanth, S Guru; Suyambulingam, Indran; Siengchin, Suchart
2023-08-31Effect Of MWCNT/ Al2O3/ Boron Nitride Fillers Based Natural/Carbon/ Innegra Fabrics/ SS-WM/ Iron-WM Reinforced UV Resistant Polyester CompositesKumar, Mohit Hemath; Sanjay, M R; Srisuk, Rapeeporn; Siengchin, Suchart; Althomali, Raed H; Alzahrani, Khalid A; Asiri, Abdullah M; Khan, Anish
2022Elastomer Blends and Composites: Principles, Characterization, Advances, and ApplicationsRangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Siengchin, Suchart; Ozbakkaloglu, Togay
2022Elastomer-Based BlendsJayakumar, Aswathy; Radoor, Sabarish; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Radhakrishnan, E K; Nair, Indu C; Siengchin, Suchart
2022Electrical Properties of Polymer NanocompositesNivedha, B; Mohit, H; Sanjay, M R; Suresh, N S; Siengchin, Suchart; Ramesh, P
2024Enhancing Mechanical Performance and Water Resistance of Careya-Banana Fiber Epoxy Hybrid Composites Through Pla Coating and Alkali TreatmentRao, H Jeevan; Singh, S; Singh, Narender; Ramulu, P Janaki; Santos, Thiago F; Santos, Caroliny M; Senthamaraikannan, P; Suyambulingam, Indran; Gapsari, Femiana; Raharjo, Rudianto; Mavinkere Rangappa, Sanjay; Siengchin, Suchart