Browsing by Author Suyambulingam, Indran

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Effect of Inorganic Fillers Reinforcement In Flexible Polyvinylidene Fluoride (Pvdf) Films Acoustic Characteristics: an Experimental and Statistical InvestigationNivedhitha, D M; Subramanian, Jeyanthi; Selvaraj, Vinoth Kumar; Viswapriyan, A S; Nishaanth, S Guru; Suyambulingam, Indran; Siengchin, Suchart
2024Enhancing Mechanical Performance and Water Resistance of Careya-Banana Fiber Epoxy Hybrid Composites Through Pla Coating and Alkali TreatmentRao, H Jeevan; Singh, S; Singh, Narender; Ramulu, P Janaki; Santos, Thiago F; Santos, Caroliny M; Senthamaraikannan, P; Suyambulingam, Indran; Gapsari, Femiana; Raharjo, Rudianto; Mavinkere Rangappa, Sanjay; Siengchin, Suchart
2024Extraction and Characterization of Thespesia Populnea Leaf Cellulose: a Biomass to Biomaterial ConversionVelmurugan, T; Suganya Priyadharshini, G; Suyambulingam, Indran; Siengchin, Suchart
2024Extraction of Microcrystalline Cellulose from Ficus Benghalensis Leaf and Its CharacterizationNarayanaperumal, Sunesh; Divakaran, Divya; Singh, Manoj Kumar; Sanjay, M R; Siengchin, Suchart; Suyambulingam, Indran
2024Greening the Composite Industry: Evaluating Lantana Camara Verbenaceae Fiber As A Promising Substitute for Lightweight Polymer Matrix CompositesSomasundaram, Raja; Senthamaraikannan, P; Suyambulingam, Indran; Kanthababu, M; Madhu, G M; Siengchin, Suchart
2024Greening The Composite Industry: Evaluating Lantana Camara Verbenaceae Fiber As A Promising Substitute for Lightweight Polymer Matrix CompositesSomasundaram, Raja; Senthamaraikannan, P; Suyambulingam, Indran; Kanthababu, M; Madhu, G M; Siengchin, Suchart
2024Isolation and Characterization of Novel Natural Fiber from Streblus AsperRao, H Jeevan; Senthamaraikannan, P; Suyambulingam, Indran; Parameswaranpillai, Jyotishkumar; Priyadharshini, G Suganya; Senthilkumar, B
2024Nelumbo Nucifera Biomass Waste-Based Biofiller: a Comprehensive Characterization for Utilization As Biodegradable FillersRam, Ganesh; Arjunan, T V; Vinoth Kumar K; Loganathan, T G; Suyambulingam, Indran; Siengchin, Suchart
2024Physiochemical Profiling of Bioplasticizer Derived from Ficus Benghalensis Leaves for Eco-Friendly ApplicationsKanagaraj, Arunprasath; Senthamaraikannan, P; Selvaraj, Ruby Celsia Arul; Karthic, S; Divakaran, Divya; Suyambulingam, Indran; Siengchin, Suchart
2024Synthetic Fibers and Their Composites for Biomedical ApplicationsArulmozhivarman, Joseph Chandran; Rajeshkumar, L; Dinesh Kumar, Madheswaran; Rangappa, Sanjay Mavinkere; Suyambulingam, Indran; Siengchin, Suchart
2024Valorization of Jatropha Curcas Plant Leaves for Bioplasticizer: Synthesis and Comprehensive Characterization for Futuristic ApplicationsKandan, Arunkumar; Krishnasamy, Karthik; Suyambulingam, Indran; Siengchin, Suchart