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Title: Disclosure Practices of Selected Multinational Corporations (Mncs) with Reference to International Accountins Standards S (Iass)
Authors: Anita Shukla
Martin Onsiro Ronald
Keywords: Disclosure practices Multinational Corporations (M NCs) International Accounting Standards (IASs) Size of the company Profitability of th
tm1117any Listing status Residential status Disclosure index and score International Accmn1 ti11g Standards Board (IASB) US GAAP and Indian GAAP
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Journal of Accounting and Finance
Abstract: Thispaperisonthedisclosurepracticesofsome selectedmultinationalcorporations withspecial referencetoInternational Ac counting Standards. Accountingisaninformationsystemandits ultimategoalistoaidtr.egroupsinterestedin corporate affairintheirdecision-makingbyprovidingrelevant information. This purposeisachievedthroughdisclosureorreportingofinformationmainlythrough published annualreports. Thispaperreviews the 20 selectedIASsand hawfartheyhavebeendisclosed by theMNCsselectedassample units,withreferencetodefinition , recognition, measurement and disclosurerequirements .Theauthorshave stressedon theconceptof disclosur eand itsneed inaccountin g and reporting,modesofdisclosure,determinants ofdisclosure and disclosurelevel bytlzeselectMNCs. Toachieve the seobjectives, theannualreportsoftheseMNCsforthe year2005-06havebeenanalyzedin responseto disclosure requirements oftlzeselectedIASs.Theattributes;sizeofthecompany,ageofthe company,listing status, profitabilityand residentialstatushavebeentakentostudyto seehaw theycorrelate with the disclosurescoreofthe selectedMNCs.ThoughMNCsoughttocomplywiththe disclos11rerequirementsof IASs, ithas beenobserved that not all havecompletely complied.
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