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Title: Why Product Market Fit is Important
Authors: Mistry, Lima
Choudhary, Aparna
Keywords: Product-Market Fit (PMF)
Customer Segmentation
Pricing Strategy
Product Development
Customer Needs Assessment
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Alliance School of Business, Alliance University
Series/Report no.: 2021MMBA07ASB138
Abstract: The term "product-market fit" (PMF) refers to the extent to which a product fulfills the demands and preferences of a particular market. In other terms, it refers to how well a product satisfies the needs of a target market and creates substantial demand and profit. A product has achieved product-market fit when there is a demonstrable demand for it from the market and a good market response. For entrepreneurs, this is a significant achievement since it shows that there is a market for their product and that market is prepared to pay for it. A corporation must undertake market research, collect consumer feedback, and evaluate data to understand how its product is functioning in the market before determining product-market fit. This technique aids a business in identifying the essential characteristics and advantages of its goods that appeal to its intended market. The long-term success of a business depends on having a great product-market fit since it helps to ensure that there is a consistent flow of income from consumers who are prepared to pay for the product. Also, it builds a solid platform for expansion and enables businesses to scale their operations more successfully. Product-market fit represents the degree to which a product or service satisfies the needs and preferences of its intended customers. It is the result of a deep understanding of customer needs, effective product development, appropriate pricing, strong marketing, and the ability to differentiate from competitors. The concept was popularized by Marc Andreessen, a renowned venture capitalist, who emphasized the importance of being in a good market with a product that can meet the market's demands.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - Alliance School of Business

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