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dc.contributor.authorVarma, Vydani Rohan-
dc.contributor.authorSharma, Ajeet-
dc.description.abstractFrom last 6 years customers were more inclined to buy products and services in several e commerce platforms compared to brick-and-mortar stores. Companies are coming up several strategies in order to capture the attention of the customers by several digital and traditional marketing. • Abundant usage internet, awareness among the customers regarding the benefits of buying online has led to increase in the growth of online purchases. • Digital marketing allows companies to deliver customized experiences and offering to the customers based on their preferences. Companies are focusing more on retaining the customers than acquiring new customers as it will cost companies 5times to acquire new customer than retaining the customers the only solution for attracting the existing customers is to provide tailored experience which makes customers feel they are valued this could eventually turn the customer in to loyal customer. • Digital marketing allows brands to promote their products at the time to the people with exciting offers, deals, discounts in order to entice customers to buy products. One the other hand traditional marketing still has its advantages in reaching to the masses and still holds the greatest influence on customers buying decision. traditional marketing strategies like print, billboard advertisements, television, radio has played significant role in influencing customers buying decision over last few decades. In the era of digital marketing traditional, companies need to understand both offline and online advertising channels, and how customers respond to them. From this research, effectiveness of digital marketing while buying in online comparison with effectiveness of traditional marketing while buying in online can be able to find out valuable insights about influence of both digital marketing and traditional marketing on consumer buying online.en_US
dc.publisherAlliance School of Business, Alliance Universityen_US
dc.subjectOnline Adsen_US
dc.subjectOffline Adsen_US
dc.subjectCustomers Online Buying Behavioren_US
dc.subjectConsumer Behaviouren_US
dc.titleComparison Of Effectiveness of Online Ads with Offline Ads in Influencing Customers Online Buying Behavioren_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - Alliance School of Business

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