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Title: Development of Precision Medicine for Hepatic Cancer Evolving Molecular Profiling Techniques Through Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Jagan, S
Parthasarathi, H
Londhe, G V
Srinivas, K
Manchanda, M
Krishna, G R
Keywords: Deep Learning
Hepatic Cancer
Hybrid Optimization Techniques
Precision Medicine
Tissue Microenvironmental Analysis
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association
Scibulcom Ltd.
Citation: Vol. 30, No. 1; pp. 81-91
Abstract: Hepatic cancer and particularly hepatocellular carcinoma leads to larger global health concerns with the highest mortality and morbidity rates. Precision medicine provides an exact solution for individual patients with their disease. The mechanism of hepatic cancer progression and identification of prognostic indications for personalized therapeutic interpolations are obtained through tissue microenvironment analysis and molecular profiling. The proposed system involves the extraction and identification of critical prognostic factors from molecular datasets using deep learning with hybrid optimization techniques such as ant colony optimization and genetic algorithm. The important objective of this innovation is to identify the intricate interplay between genetic, epigenetic and microenvironment factors within the cancer tissues. This is initiated through a multi-omics approach, which involves genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics and proteomics data. These obtained datasets are preprocessed in order to obtain consistency in the system. Various external noise factors and dimensions are reduced using feature extraction techniques to extract the necessary information attributes. The hybrid optimization techniques are initiated to provide optimal features for accurate prognostic predictions. The integration of GA and ACO helps in enhancing the exploration and exploitation of the feature space. The validation process is performed on a large dataset, which contains the exact information of hepatic cancer patients. The observed prognostic features are calculated for consistency and robustness with clinical relevance. The patient outcomes are trained and tested using selected features for identifying the prognostic values of tissue microenvironment analysis. The uniqueness of hybrid optimization techniques is assessed through a comparative analysis of the proposed system using existing models. Thus precision medicine is developed through the personalization of a patient’s condition in hepatic cancer. Thus the accuracy of the prognostic predictions is obtained through the complex interrelationship between the molecular attributes and the tissue microenvironment. © 2024, Scibulcom Ltd.. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1310-4772
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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