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dc.contributor.authorS. A. Tejas-
dc.contributor.authorP. Dharshak Chandra-
dc.description.abstractCombustion is one of the most prominent energy conversion processes used in all areas of human life, even though it is being used on a large scale in various fields it has vital drawbacks like emission of greenhouse gases from IC engines majorly affecting the environment on a global level. One of the reasons of this issue being improper or inefficient ignition of the air-fuel mixture. However, this can be reduced to an extent by employing methods like lean combustion and re-circulating the exhaust gases. This is when the need of an alternative ignition system is required, one such concept being LASER IGNITION SYSTEM for internal combustion engines. On comparison laser ignition system provides number of potential benefits over conventional ignition by electric spark plug. Use of laser ignition system comes with advantages like- Reduction of NOx emission by 20% also improved efficiencies are obtained. The thermodynamic requirements of high compression ratios and high power density are fulfilled well by this system.Therefore, laser ignitors could replace conventional spark plugs in automobile industry. This not only provides better performance and fuel economy, but would also create less harmful emissions.-
dc.publisherManufacturing Technology Today-
dc.titleA Brief Study on Laser Ignition System and Its Performance Requirements-
dc.volVol 18-
dc.issuedNo 5-
Appears in Collections:Articles to be qced

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