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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1261
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A Novel Meta-Heuristic Approach for Optimal Rpp Using Series Compensated Facts ControllerShekarappa, G Swetha; Mahapatra, Sheila; Raj, Saurav
2024The Evolving Media Ecosystem and Religious Patterns In Anantnag, KashmirMir, Raoof
2024Ai-Powered Financial Operation Strategy for Cloud Computing Cost Optimization for Future; [Estrategia De Operación Financiera Impulsada Por Ia Para La Optimización De Costos De Computación En La Nube Para El Futuro]Naarayanasamy Varadarajan, Mageshkumar; Rajkumar, N; Viji, C; Mohanraj, A
2023Evaluation of Mechanical and Wear Assessment of Al-1.2Si-0.75Fe/Mullite Mmcs for Industrial ApplicationsGalgali, Raghavendra Govind; Satish, B M; Girish, B M; Davanagere, Mahesh B; Girisha, L; Babu, E R; Reddy, Nagaraja C; Selvan, Chithirai Pon
2023Iot-Based Remote Monitored and Operated Energy Efficient Multipurpose GreenhouseSuresh, N S; Padmavathy, N S; Menaga, D; Guna, G; Kumar, Mohit Hemanth
2023A Review Study on Fluid Flow Past Bluff Bodies of Various Cross-Section Placed In Different ConfigurationsKumar, Rajesh; Kumar, Mohit Hemanth
2023Investigation of Mechanical and Wear Behaviour of Al5056-Carbon Nanotube-Graphene Hybrid Mmcs Using Powder Metallurgy RouteReddy, Nagaraja C; Girish, B M; Satish, B M; Davanagere, Mahesh B; Girisha, L; Babu, E R; Selvan, Chithirai Pon
2023Design and Development of Bidirectional Converter-Based Ev Charging StationSuresh, N S; Padmavathy, N S; Menaga, D; Godfrey, Joseph A; Kumar, Mohit Hemanth
2023Modelling and Simulation of Jet Impingement Cooling of a Solid Surface Based on State Space MethodSamantaray, Smita; Ukamanal, Manoj; Mishra, Purna Chandra; Bal, Sasmita
2023Comparative Analysis of Low Power Sram Cells Using Gated Vdd and Mtcmos TechniquesDhariwal, Sandeep; Thomas, Aby K; Korah, Reeba; Manasi, S
2024Hybrid Elephant Herding Optimization Approach for Cluster Head Selection and Secure Data Transmission In Wsn Using Hybrid Approach Cryptography Techniques; [Enfoque Híbrido De Optimización Del Manejo De Elefantes Para La Selección De Cabezas De Cluster Y La Transmisión Segura De Datos En Wsn Utilizando Técnicas De Criptografía De Enfoque Híbrido]Yuvaraja, M; Sumathi, D; Rajeshkumar, M; Ahamed Ayoobkhan, Mohamed Uvaze
2024Improving Glioblastoma Multiforme Recurrence Prediction Through Integrated Radiomics and Deep Learning TechniquesWankhede, Disha Sushant; Shelke, Chetan J
2024Effect of Inorganic Fillers Reinforcement In Flexible Polyvinylidene Fluoride (Pvdf) Films Acoustic Characteristics: an Experimental and Statistical InvestigationNivedhitha, D M; Subramanian, Jeyanthi; Selvaraj, Vinoth Kumar; Viswapriyan, A S; Nishaanth, S Guru; Suyambulingam, Indran; Siengchin, Suchart
2024Optimizing Sensor Localization and Cluster Performance In Wireless Sensor Networks Through Internet of Thing (Iot) and Boosted Weight Centroid AlgorithmKrishna, Kumar N; Chebrolu, Surya Kiran; Manikandan, R; Thomas, Aby K; Anusha, Peruri Venkata; Bhupathi, Hari Prasad
2024A Computational Model of Epidemics Using Seirx Model; [Un Modelo Computacional De Epidemias Utilizando El Modelo Seirx]Marimuthu, Senbagavalli; Debnath, Saswati; Ramachandran, Saravanakumar; Parasuraman, Manikandan; Menon, Satish
20245G-Based Mobile Communications: Stable Route Selection for Adaptive Packet TransmissionVijayalatha, R; Chitra Kiran, N; Vekariya, Daxa; Brahma Rao, K B V; Deshpande, Ashish Govindrao; Sindhuja, R; Alaskar, Kamal; Natarajan, Krishnaraj; Rajaram, A
2024Facile Sustainable Upcycling of Fly Ash Into Multifunctional Durable Superhydrophobic CoatingsRoy, Sunanda; Pham, Hoa Duc; Latif, Muhammad; Kim, Jung Woong; Park, Giseok; Kim, Jaehwan; Ghosh, Barnali Dasgupta; Goh, Kheng Lim
2024Failure Prediction of Geared Mechanism at Multiple Gearshift Configuration By Utilizing the Experimental Design and Integer Programming MethodMandol, Sourabh; Bhattacharjee, Debraj; Kumar, Mohit Hemanth; Govindan, Rajesh; Kaur, Gursimran; Jain, Naman; Verma, Akarsh
2024Efficient Power-Aware Protocols for Green Cognitive Radio Networks In Industrial CommunicationsSumathi, D; Priya, R Kavi; Suresh, B; Srija, N; Sunddararaj, Suvetha Poyyamani; Sivachitra, M
2024Historical Trajectories and Modern Dynamics of Islamic Financial Law In Central AsiaRakhmanov, Abdumukhtor; Thommandru, Abhishek; Tillaboev, Shokhrukhbek
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1261