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dc.contributor.authorHardeep S. Tuli-
dc.contributor.authorA. K. Sharma-
dc.description.abstractDischarge of colored industrial efflu ent i.n water str ea msor on to the land is a matter of great concern as it is firstperception to be noticed by th e receptor. Molasses basedalcohol produ c in g di st ille ri es ge nerate characteristicallydark brown co lor due to th e presence of rn elanoidinpigment which is not only th e ca use of aestheticaldispleasure but also hav in g harmful consequen ce due to itsrecalcitrant nature. In the pr ese nt study, we did the initialcharact er ization followed by batch mode studi e u ingactivated carbon and Aspergillus niger to decolori zeanaerobically dige s ted MSW. We found thatdecolorization efficiency of activated wood saw dust wasup to 99 %, at adso rbent do sage of 5g/l 00 ml of effluent,pH 7, and contact time of30 minutes at room temperature.Wberea A. nig er s how ed its ability to d eco lorizeanaerob ic a ll y di gested MSW up to 71 % at day 4, wheneffluent was diluted at th e rate of 50 %, supplemented withextern al carbon (3% gluco e) and phosphate source (0.1%K 2HP04)-
dc.publisherCurrent Trends In Biotechnology and Chemical Research-
dc.titleOptimization of Process Parameters for Decolorization of Anaerobically Digested Molasses Spent Wash (Msw) Using Aspergillus Niger and Actived Carbon-
dc.volVol 2-
dc.issuedNo 1-
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